1. |
To sign/execute any documents deeds
or papers required to be signed or executed by the
___________________________________________. |
2. |
To correspond with the _______________________________,
Islamabad. |
3. |
To take possession of the plot from
_____________________________. |
4. |
To construct a house on the plot and
to do all acts, deeds and things necessary for the
purpose e.g. submitting plans, getting them approved,
getting water, electric and sui gas connections,
engaging architects, engineers, planners, contractors,
masons, labour etc. procuring and purchasing the
materials etc To complete all the formalities with
the ________________________________ for issue of
completion certificate and for execution of agreement
and conveyance deed. |
5. |
To retain, hire, lease, sell, convey,
transfer, encumber, mortgage, redeem, exchange,
release, surrender, settle, adjust, or otherwise
to dispose off the said plot of land and/or the
building constructed thereon and for such consideration
or with no consideration and in such manner as may
be considered desirable, fit, proper, expedient
and/or opprtuned by my said attorney in his sole,
absolute and unfettered discretion. To execute all
kinds of deeds and to get registered the same with
the Joint Sub Registrar, Islamabad, to pay and receive
all kinds of payments in cash or through cheque/pay-order/draft/security
deposit receipt etc. and to cash the same with his
own signatures and to obtain or issue the receipts
thereof. |
6. |
To complete/sign requisition slip
on my behalf and submit the same in the office of
___________________________ for obtaining Trnsfer
Application Form. After obtaining the Transfer Application
Form, to complete sign it and submit the same in
the office of _____________________________ , Islamabad
for the transfer of said plot of land/ or building
constructed thereon in favour of anybody else. |
7. |
To appear and act in all the courts,
civil revenue or criminal, whether original or appellate,
in the registration Offices and.or in any other
office of Government or District Board, Municipal
Board, _________________________ Islamabad or Notified
area or any other local authority. To engage any
advocate. |
8. |
To sign and verify plaints, written
statements, petitions of claims and objection, memorandum
of appeal and petitions and applications of all
kinds and to file them in any such court or office. |
9. |
To obtain refund of stamp duty or
repayment of court fees. To apply to courts and
offices for copies of documents and papers. To apply
for the inspection of and to inspect records. To
accept service of any summon, notice or writ issued
by any court or officer against me. |
10. |
Generally to do each and every thing
requisite for all the purposes stated above and
the purposes which are omitted and are to be done
on my part. |
11. |
All the acts, deeds, matters and things
done by the said General Attorney shall be construed
as having been done by me and I do hereby agree
to ratify and confirm the same. |
12. |
That this General Power of Attorney
is made by me without any undue influence or coercion
and in full knowledge of the facts and consequences
of the General Power of Attorney made and this General
Power of Attorney is irrevocable. |
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my hand
to this deed on this ___ day of ______ , _______
, after understanding the contents of this deed
in presence of the witnesses below: |
___________________________ |
___________________________ |
1. _______________________________ |
2. _______________________________ |
_______________________________ |
_______________________________ |
_______________________________ |
_______________________________ |