Gulberg-II residents, commercial enterprises weary of traffic police challans
LAHORE - The residents of Gulberg-II are grow­ing increasingly frustrated with the actions of the traffic police as it has become a common occurrence for them to impound vehicles and issue hefty fines on Gulberg Toyota Road, right next to Siddique Trade Centre. Daily fines amounting to thousands of rupees and the frequent con­fiscation of vehicles from the vicinity have become a major concern for the lo­cal residents. Moreover, the relent­less harassment of security person­nel and office staff in this area by the traffic police is exacerbating the problem. Local commercial establish­ments and residents believe this un­necessary crackdown by the traffic police stems from a complaint made by an official from the industries de­partment against private companies operating along Gulberg-II’s Toyota Road. The official allegedly reported to the traffic police and district au­thorities that the constant movement of loader vehicles was disrupting the operations of offices in the area throughout the day. “While the police claim to be restoring traffic flow, they have taken action against vehicles parked outside both commercial offices and residences with­out setting specific timing restrictions on loader vehicles”, a company employee told this paper. Citizens argue that Gulberg has been designated as a commercial zone, and thus, there is no valid reason for the traffic police to pursue these actions. In light of these grievances, the residents of Toyota Road have appealed to the Chief Minister of Punjab to address this unjust situation that is affecting both the local population and com­mercial enterprises.