Commissioner inspects LDA One Window Cell
Commissioner Lahore and DG LDA Muhammad Ali Randhawa visited LDA One Window Cell. He inquired about the problems from the citizens who came to One Window Cell. The Commissioner & DG LDA also visited Senior Citizen Counter, Overseas Counter and others. The citizens gave their positive feedback and suggestions for further improvement of the One Window Cell. The Commissioner Lahore & DG LDA directed that documents should be delivered to senior citizens (above 75 years) at their homes. Pause Unmute Remaining Time -10:08 Close He said that LDA is providing services to senior citizens above 75 years of age absolutely free at their doorsteps. He also presided over a meeting on issues and performance of One Window Cell. The directors of both the shifts of one-window cell gave briefing about the performance of their respective shifts. The approval of the residential plan of the private housing schemes is now being done in 3 days instead of 30. In the meeting the Chief Town Planner, while giving a briefing, said that reforms are being introduced to expedite applications related to town planning in one window cell. Cases of overseas Pakistanis are being resolved in 10 days instead of 14.