CPEC PHASE-II: A Sanctify Inquiry | By Dr Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan
Despite ongoing political chaos and constant economic meltdown the incumbent government of Pakistan has now decided to start China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Phase-II which would be useful for averting economic decline and poor manufacturing in the country. It would start new imputes to sinking national industrialization and social development. Pause Unmute Remaining Time -9:47 Close PlayerUnibots.in Many regional as well as international power brokers through different soft diplomatic means along with extraordinary harsh engagements and political statements have been forcing the country to stay away from the CPEC being a so-called debt trap. The sudden surge in the deadly activities of terrorism have also taken a toll on the initiation of CPEC Phase-II in the country which is badly hurting economic activities in the country and one of the main reasons for declining ratios of the FDIs. Furthermore, serious budgetary and financial constraints of the ruling government has also mired the development of the CPEC projects and unfortunately delayed the execution of its phase-II which has been dubbed as catalyst for the economic development of the country. Advertisement